Camp Circle Star Board of Directors
Executive Director
Renee Eickmeier, M.A., CCC-SLP
Program Director
Sara Jones
Development Director
Bradie Schall
Victoria Bryant, MBA
Vice President
David Bailey, MBA
Sandy Hughes
Amanda Goettelman
Board Members
Meaghan Anselm, Matt Cady, Mark Davis, Joe Eickmeier, Mark Ingram, Harrison Klemm,
Brad McDowell, RJ Morris, Caitlin Murphy, Paul Quindry, Heather Rehling,
Ken Stephens, Bob Strate, Charlie Walton
At Camp Circle Star, we believe in modifying the environment to meet the individual needs of our campers and residents. We have found that if we change our approach, methods, or physically alter a camper’s surroundings, we set them up for success and enjoyment. Our goal is fun, contentment and happiness. We achieve that through learning about our campers, adjusting our camp curriculum to meet their needs, and keeping the anxiety level low.
Inspired by their daughter, Erin, who was born with Cri du Chat Syndrome, Joe and Renee Eickmeier founded the Erin Eickmeier Foundation (now Camp Circle Star) in 2003. Since that time, Camp Circle Star has provided local agencies with financial support and has hosted day camps for children with disabilities. Renee is a speech/language pathologist with over twenty years of experience working with children with developmental disabilities. Her experience as a parent and therapist has driven her to provide day camp options for children who may have been unsuccessful at more traditional camps. Camp Circle Star's long term goals include opening an adult day programming site at the Circle Star Ranch and opening an independent supported living site in the St. Louis metro area for adults with disabilities to live and thrive. We invite you to join us on this journey!
Contact Information
PHONE: 314-667-4766